Sun Property has a number of property management services available for lessors who are non-residents in Thailand requiring professional management services to maintain and take care of their properties and transactions related to the corresponding properties.
Our services are as described:
Contract and Property Preparation
Sun Property will manage and prepare the lease contract by coordinating with the lessors to ensure that the property will be ready before tenants move in.
Repair and Maintenance
Repair and maintenance services are available when necessary. Sun Property will provide advance notice together with the estimated cost to the lessor. Upon acceptance, we will conduct our services and the bill will be forwarded to the lessor accordingly.
Rental Follow-ups
Sun Property will ensure that the rental fees are being paid on time. Otherwise, we will first send a verbal warning to the tenant and then send a collection letter afterwards.
Payment for Necessary Fees
Sun Property will make payments on behalf of the lessor for all utility fees, common fees, and other expenses related to the lessor’s property according to terms and agreement.
Quarterly Report Update
Quarterly income and expense reports will be prepared by Sun Property and sent to the lessor.
Property Supervision and Inspection
Sun Property will ensure effective communication and smooth transaction between the lessor and the tenant by property supervision.
Upon contract expiry, Sun Property will conduct property inspection including damages and inventory check. We will then handle the payment process for utility bills (e.g. cable TV, Internet, water, electricity).
Seeking Prospective Clients
Sun Property will assist in seeking new suitable tenants before or when the contract expires and/or current tenant moves out.
Sun Property charges 10% of the rental fee for property management services.