How to Make a Healthy Life
Making a healthy life….under unfriendly surrounding in these days might not be just a piece of cake. We are being sick of facing various factors, we have to double boost our energy and revive our lives, let us suggest you some tips.
1. Consume Fresh Vegetables & Fruits and Water
- Nutrients in Veggies and Fruits reduce the risk of many diseases, vital for health and maintenance of our body and organism and slow down aging.
- Our Body need water about 1500 ml a day which help to increase metabolic rate.
2. Sleep at least 8 hours a night
Sleeping enough time can improve memory, boost energy and revive mental health, physical health, quality of life and safety.
3. Exercise at least 15-20 minutes dairy/ 3-4 times a week
Exercise will improve quality of life since it could reduce stress, lift moods, and help us to sleep better. If we don't exercise, our muscles will become flabby and weak. Our body won't work efficiently.
4. Being a positive thinker
Due to thought could affect our health and behaviors. So, being a positive thinker would reach us many benefits. It can reduce the stress, Boost Immune Systems and make us be a good emotion controller.
Remind ourselves that the Healthy Life can be built inside out by Eat-well, Sleep-well, Live-well
By : Sun Property Consultant