There many factors which affect how our property is viewed. Some of these will determine the resale price buyers are willing to accept. Sometimes, these issues end up costing you the sale. Therefore, we are going to look at five general things which would dissuade a buyer from choosing to purchase your home.
1. Bad Renovation: Choosing quality contractor will also determine just how much money you will need to spend on repairs when you are ready to sell. Poorly renovated tiles, cabinets with loose hinges and a bad paint job will definitely lower the attractiveness of your home. Paint your house in neutral colours and fix it up before you provide a viewing. It is best to remove all sentimental items such as photos as you do not want to burden the homebuyers with your emotional attachment to the house. Also, keep in mind that how your toilet and kitchen looks will determine the overall value of your home.
2. Design choices: If you have every intent to sell and wish to save some money before you do so, you will want to consider a generic design. Most home buyers would renovate the house themselves but first appearances do matter. Modifying your house too much will be detrimental to the cause so if you know you are going to sell, keep your customizations to a minimal. Buyers do not want to know that they will have a hefty renovation price tag looming above the price of your home if they were to buy it.
3. Exterior: How your home looks on the outside is very important. Imagine your home to be an expensive item, like a computer or a high-end watch. If the packaging is ruined, you are most likely to assume that the interior product is damaged as well. The same principle applies to a house. If you want homebuyers to step into your home, make sure you present them with an attractive or at the very least, a clean and neat exterior.
By : http://www.ddproperty.com/
Photo: http://www.nytimes.com/