You need the right loan, the right price, and the right advice. Here are the best moves for you to make as you begin to enter the housing market.
1. Lock Up Your Financials: Before you start shopping, clean up your credit and save for a bigger down payment so that you’ll qualify for a better mortgage rate and avoid costly fees.
2. Get Pre-approved: This means a mortgage lender has checked your credit and verified your income and assets; it gives you an edge with sellers looking for a quick, smooth deal. Some lenders even give a fully underwritten pre-approval, committing to fund the loan
3. Find a True Advocate: For a generation that uses apps for most transactions, the need for human help may be surprising, but a good buyer’s agent can help you find listings and guide you through financing, inspections, and price negotiations.
4. Make Unsolicited Offers: To avoid going head-to-head with more established buyers, look for homes not yet on the market. Cruise rental ads, for instance, or bookmark new listings that look overpriced and revisit them in a month.
5. Play Up Your Flexibility: The one edge you have over more well-heeled buyers is your ability to delay move-in, so take full advantage.
Thank you original article from http://time.com/money/4285718/first-time-home-buyers-best-moves/
Photo: http://www.iamexpat.nl/housing/buying/general-information
By : Sun Property Consultant